Coxarthrosis - is a degenerative disease that leads to destruction of the hip joint, and you have a chronic disease, the character of the stream. It is more common in older age groups. Once more, the sick, the women and the men.
With the onset of the disease is progressive, develops slowly. It may involve one joint or both. This is the most common type of arthritis.
For that, if you develop the disease?
Coxarthrosis some of the patients that comes with the natural aging process of the body, and it is to the benefit of the tissues of the pelvis. The appearance of factors such as:
- the reduced nutrition of the tissues;
- congenital abnormality of the hip joint, in particular dysplasia;
- transferred from the trauma of the pelvic region;
- post-infectious coxarthrosis;
- necrosis, aseptic, of the head of the hip joint;
- the disease Pertusa (osteochondropathy).
Unfortunately, determining the root cause of the disease, it is not always possible, and the pathology of the hip, it is called idiopathic coxarthrosis - the, the causes of which are not yet installed. This is a constant incentive for research. They are in the progress of research in this area, and the doctors came to the conclusion that an increased risk of coxarthrosisa may occur in these patients in patients that:
- There must be an inheritance for the propensity of the disease. Patients whose parents had suffered from disease of the cartilage and bone tissue as well as in the majority of cases, they will also have similar issues;
- Of the excess weight. A large mass of a body is the stress on the joints are often subjected to mechanical working;
- The rates of rape, and diabetes. This leads to a poor flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue in the joint, it will lose its properties.
Get to know the main risk factors for the disease, it is possible to plan preventive measures to prevent it.
How to recognize the disease of the hip?
Semiology coxarthrosisa depends on the anatomical characteristics of the musculoskeletal system, the causes of the disease and the stage of the process. Review of the main clinical manifestations:
- the pain of the joint;
- the irradiation of pain in the knee, the thigh, the groin;
- the stiffness of the movement of the
- a limited mobility.
- a violation of the feet, lameness;
- the loss of muscle mass in the thigh;
- shortening of the damaged members.
The clinical picture corresponds to the internal changes in the tissues of the joint. The symptoms are growing from strength to strength, and is in the early stages of an the patient, it does not give them the proper attention. This is dangerous, because it is the beginning of the process of treatment brings about a greater effect.
The clinical and radiographic extent of the coxarthrosisa
Below is a list of the symptoms of the illness, specific to each site.
- 1 in the high school. The patient experiences recurring pain and discomfort. The sensations are unpleasant, they will bother you after the workout, long-term position, in the standing posture. The pain is localized in one area of the joint, and then going on holiday. At this stage of the process is not broken; on the reverse, and not in a shortened toe. The change is visible on an x-ray: narrow joint gap, appear, bone spurs (proliferation of the bone).
- The 2-level. It increases the intensity of the pain, so she can appear in moments of leisure, and irradiates the neighboring areas of the body. It appears limping after a man in a very long time to have walked to or from the supply voltage. It is limited only by the amount of movement in the joint. In parallel to this, we've developed the changes to the x-ray the painting will move to the head of the femur, the bone spurs to grow in the domestic market and in the external edges of the cup.
- 3 on the stage. The pain acquires a permanent character, appears to be both day and night. A significant impairment of gait, is the constant of yielding. It is dramatically, reduced motor function, and is withered leg muscles. the change in the muscle tissue, which causes the foot to a little bit of "pull", and it becomes shorter and shorter. This leads to a deformation of posture and a distortion of the body. X-ray at this stage of the process: the total narrowing of the slit between the mating surfaces of the joint, deformity of the femoral head, with a significant increase in osteophytes.
The program for the diagnosis, when the disease
The main method of diagnosis - x-ray. It is possible to detect the presence of the disease and its stage. The x-ray to analyze the structure of the joint, in the pursuit of narrowing of the joint cleft, bone spurs, damage to the head of the hip bone.
If there is a need for a study on the state of the soft tissues, is accomplished by magnetic resonance imaging, a brain scan. It allows you to query the status of the articular cartilage in the stages of coordination, as well as the muscles in the hip area.
Modern methods in the direction of the treatment of coxarthrosisa of the hip joint
For the treatment of coxarthrosisa you can be conservative and surgical. For the treatment of coxarthrosisa the aim is to achieve the following objectives:
- the reduction of pain manifestations.
- the recovery of the motor activity training;
- the rehabilitation and recovery of work capacity;
- the prevention of complications;
- to improve the quality of life of the patient.
In the beginning of the treatment is modification of risk factors. For this reason, the physician recommends you with the following:
- the normalization of body weight;
- an exemption from the bad ones.
- a healthy diet;
- the standardization of the physical activity;
- well-balanced regimen of a drink;
- a good night's sleep, healthy.
The conservative treatment are distinguished: - drug and non-drug. The medical treatment includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pain-killers, chondroprotectors. They reduce the inflammatory process in the tissues of the joint, and to eliminate the swelling and the pain, and to restore the amount of movement, and improves the condition of the fabric of the articular cartilage.
Drug-free treatment, it includes, among other things, on the type of massage of the affected area. This stimulates your muscles to work, facing the world, and to prevent shortening of the limbs. It is a complete and professional, and the massage stimulates the blood circulation in the area of the knee joint, and this, in turn, leads to the normalization of metabolism in the body's tissues. Please note that massage is not always helpful when it coxarthrosis is made between the disease and at various stages of the process. To assign to it the doctor recommend, massage techniques, a variety of procedures, and the duration of the course.
The condition of the treatment - the therapeutic exercise. It is the prevention of contractures and progression of the disease. The fiscal year should be available every day, so they will only have the effect of. The project is individually chosen and it is assigned to you by your doctor. The exercises will improve your overall well-being and reducing the risk of emotional disturbance, it reinforces the strength of the body.
Physical therapy - another method that is applicable to coxarthrosis. This can be a treatments with mud and bath therapy and shower therapy, magnetic and. Apply for electro-and phonophoresis with medicinal substances.
If the treatment does not have an effect on or applied to the end - it is necessary to have the surgical treatment.
Operational interference in coxarthrosis
The surgical treatment is applied in the inefficiency of the method. This is especially true when the subsequent diagnosis. With modern operative techniques and the quality of the facilities of the operating system to restore the structure and function of the joint return to the other person, the amount of movement, and general quality of life. The most effective method of the surgical treatment is total joint replacement.
The indications for operation intervention are:
- coxarthrosis 2-3 degree.
- the lack of effect of the therapy;
- the total limitation of motion of the foot.
Contra-indications, that it will not allow you to perform the operation of:
- decompensated state of the kidneys, the heart, the liver, and
- with the mental illness.
- the most intense phase of the inflammatory process in the body.
This is done in the pre-operative diagnosis. If, however, there is also the possibility of adjusting the state of the patient is prepared for surgery, and then after that is done the procedure.
The operation consists in the removal of damaged tissue, and the installation of the prosthesis. There are several different models of implants. The different methods of fixation at the bone – cement and cementless, material from which is made of the prosthesis. Of all the characteristics of the device and the complexity of the intervention and quick, you can get more information about the consultation with your doctor.
The recovery period after the surgical treatment
From the very first day after surgery is performed the rehabilitation under the supervision of a medical doctor. First of all, it is to carry out movements in liabilities, then the load is increased gradually. Walking in the first time is allowed only with crutches, is permitted on the seat and squat.
Of course, the first time after the surgery, there are limitations to the loads. It's not worth it to be afraid - after all, without the operation of these constraints is preserved up to the end of his life. A decrease in physical activity following the surgical treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the position of the device, or restore the health of the bones, and wound healing. Within two (2) months of age shall be excluded from sports, physical fitness activities, in conjunction with a long walk and some exercise. After complete recovery, the man is now back to a full life, to get involved in sports and other leisure activities.
The time of the service on the device that the majority of the companies, that is, the survival rate is about 90% of the observation time of up to 15 years of age.